Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho sidedwilliams

4,2 N người theo dõi


Co-host of the Video Games are Hard podcast and speedrunner at heart.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
#Super Mario Sunshine Personal Bests ###Official Categories >>***Any%*** - [1:16:19]( **[Rank: 40th]** >>***58 Shines*** - [1:41:30]( **[Rank: 9th]** >>***79 Shines*** - [2:21:43]( **[Rank: 4th]** >>***96 Shines*** - [2:30:50]( **[Rank: 2nd]** >>***120 Shines*** - **[Unranked]** ###Extension Categories >>***True All Hundos*** - [3:46:34]( **[1st]** >>***All NPC Blues*** - [34:23]( **[1st]** >>***All 100 Coins*** - [37:04]( **[2nd]** >>***All Plaza Blues*** - [8:02]( **[2nd]** >>***10 Shines*** - [7:38]( **[7th]** ##For the official category leaderboards and definitions go to []( ##For the extension category leaderboards and definitions go to [](
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#Other PBs #Assassin's Creed Brotherhood >>***Any% No SSD*** - [4:31:29]( **[Rank: 5th of 5]**