Profile banner for silentv1926



Hey friends, video games are the best.

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Hello and welcome! My name is SilentV1926 or V. I've got a puppy dog that you will most likely meet if you stick with me long enough. She likes to make her presence known. I also have a badass hubby who supports me in everything. He also does a little streaming himself from time to time. I tend to be on the quieter side of things meaning I don't talk as much as all that. If I'm quiet and it looks like I'm angry, I'm not I'm just super concentrated on either not dying, trying to beat a timer, or trying to thread a needle. Don't take it personal. :P Well I think that's pretty much it. Enjoy the stream!
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In this stream you will find your moment of chill. You will also find that we slay monsters, tend to the farm, and get a little silly sometimes. We stream the not-so-much played games of twitch as well as cross stitch. I'm looking forward to adding even more creative content in the future. The last thing I hope you find here is a community of people you can get together with and just be yourself, whether it be brainstorming ideas or telling stories of what happened throughout your day. We all need that one hangout and I'm hoping you find at least one of those hangouts here. On a side note there have been days of rage where there is swearing so this stream is definitely not for everyone and has been set for mature audiences.
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They are necessary to avoid chaos! 1. Be Respectful of myself and the people in chat. Failure to do so has it's consequences, so play nice. 2. Do Not ask people for their personal info in chat or any where else. Plus Do Not give out your info to anyone! This will get you Banned. 3. No Spamming 4. Religion will not be tolerated here nor Politics keep it to yourself. 5. If I feel my troll senses tingling, myself or my mods will put you on timeout. If it continues after the timeout has been lifted it will result in being banned from the channel. Plain and simple we're all here to chill and have fun, so let's keep it that way.