720 Follower


Thanks for stopping by! I'm a big fan of rhythm games (both VR and flat-screened) so that's what I'll be doing here most of the time. New faces are always welcome, come hang out and chat!


# Discord There's pretty much nothing [there](https://discord.gg/MXnpPct). Apart from emotes. If you have a sub you might wanna join for those emotes. Cause emotes nice! And whatnot. # Schedule I generally try to stick to this schedule, but sometimes I may be early or late (especially Thursdays, since there's always a possibility I'll have a meeting scheduled during my usual stream time). # Art I made most of the art used on the channel and in emotes myself. The animated BetterTTV emotes and the offline image were created by the *heckin amazing* FadeWalker.

Synth Riders

I play lots of Synth Riders, mostly in force mode. I'm one of the better force players so feel free to ask me about it if you have any questions! # Requests Use **!srr** and the song's name to request any map from [here](https://synthriderz.com/beatmaps) (e.g. !srr Alive). Use **!oops** to remove your last request from the queue. # Chat Commands Do you like sending flying, shooting nuisances after people? Then **!invaders** might just be the command for you! The remaining commands have to be enabled using the **"In control"** channel point reward: * **!color** - Temporarily change my colors to something random * **!rainbow** - Temporarily enable the prismatic modifier * **!timewarp** - Temporarily slow the map down * **!speed** - Temporarily speed the map up * **!superspeed** - Temporarily speed the map up a lot * **!vanish** - Temporarily make notes turn invisible * **!embiggen** - Temporarily make notes larger * **!minimize** - Temporarily make notes smaller * **!warp** - Temporarily vary note jump speed


Audica is a very fun game and I play it a lot. I'm pretty good at it by now, too c: # Requests Use **!asr** and the song's name to request any map from [here](https://maudica.com) (e.g. !asr Paint It Black). I may not have the map yet, in which case the request won't work. When that happens I'll still download the song and play it, of course! (Might need a reminder though...) # Chat Commands Take a look at the [chat commands](https://github.com/Contiinuum/TwitchModifiers/) if you think watching me suffer is fun. They're enabled a lot of the time. If they aren't, you can use channel point reward **"In control"** and I'll turn them on c:


You really shouldn't. *I mean it, you shouldn't.* But if there's no way to stop you and you'd prefer if Twitch didn't take about half of the money, [this](https://streamelements.com/silzoid/tip) is now a thing. However, you most likely **shouldn't**. (Usual small print: No refunds, *seriously not necessary*.)