Profile banner for simondrawsstuff



simondrawsstuff streams Art.

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If you'd like to leave a tip to support me, you can do so here! (If I'm working on a sketch request for you, donate at least 8 USD and I will color it during the stream!)
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To get a guaranteed request fulfilled for each Sketch Request Stream, become a patron (also, you'll get early updates to Weirdogs and a whole bunch of other perks)!
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Fulfilled Sketch Requests can be turned into full commissions. Please contact me with an inquiry by email! (CLICK IMAGE FOR PRICING EXAMPLES)
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Read my webtoon Weirdogs! It's a slice-of-life and occasional adventure webcomic featuring an anthro cast with cute and colorful artwork. Mostly a comedy, it's speckled with down-to-earth character moments alongside fantastical elements.
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Be sure to also follow my wife! She streams her crochet crafts, as well as games like Spelunky or Stardew Valley!
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And if you're looking for a fun vtuber, go check out Sketchmazoid for a variety of content - digital art, music and games!