sinaea için profil afişi

6,6 B takipçi


"This channel is just a collection of dirty women playing dirty Bioware games." --Gorthac describing Sinaea's Twitch channel.

Panel İçeriği
This stream regularly contains mature content and may be inappropriate for younger audiences. The games Sinaea plays often contain violence, blood, sexual themes, drug/alcohol use, and/or strong language. Viewer discretion is advised.
Panel İçeriği
Due to medical issues, my stream schedule has gone completely out the window. As such, the times that I stream vary, and I am sorry for that. Announcements of when I go live will be posted on [Discord](
Panel İçeriği
Hello! I'm Sinaea. I like collecting achievements and loot. Lots of loot. Like, if there's loot and I'm not collecting it, that's how you know I've been replaced by a synth. I play a variety of games, with a primary focus on RPGs. I enjoy being able to share these gaming experiences and spend time with all of you. Thanks for being a part of this little Twitch family we've become.
Panel İçeriği
"This channel is just a collection of dirty women playing dirty Bioware games." --[Gorthac]( describing Sinaea's Twitch channel.
Panel İçeriği
Chat Rules: - Be cool, mmkay? - Respect your fellows. - No hatin' on peeps or games. - No backseaties or spoilies. - No innuendo. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING!) - Have fun! I command you!
Panel İçeriği
I love doing these broadcasts and spending time with all of you!! <3 <3 <3 If I have entertained you, please consider [donating to this stream]( Donate more than or 100 bits and an alert will pop up on stream, and a lovely text-to-speech lady will read your message out loud. **(Please note that new spam filters have been enabled. To prevent your message from not being read/shown on stream, make sure you do not type the same letters or symbols repeatedly.)** Your love, support and donations mean the world to me, and they truly do allow me to continue to put on fun broadcasts for you. Thank you. <3
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Panel İçeriği
Follow Sinaea on Twitter [@Astara](
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Send Snail Mail (all carriers accepted) to: Astara Victoria 235 Westlake Ctr #243 Daly City, CA 94015-1430
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Panel İçeriği
[KayKrisify's]( [The Pause Menu]( [Hobonation]( [Remescient's]( [Queer Women Game](