Profile banner for sinister1



Hi, I'm Sinister1. I speedrun classic Nintendo and Super Nintendo games.

My Speedruns

** Games Done Quick Speedruns** [CGDQ - present]( **Personal Bests** [Sinister1 PB Playlist](
Panel Content
Please leave a comment if you donate! I like to read them on stream. ##TOP DONATIONS: - SuperSaiyanFife: $600 - Calebhart42, phunqsauce & Zappelin: $300 - Jimbo27007: $270.99 (to bop Davep) - Davep4948: $270.97 - Zappelin: $230 - Sinistermom: $200 (yes, my real mom) - LVCreed: $106.67 $100 club: Danzel_glovington, Davep4948, Nexare105, Matthew R., Deathnite, Andrew H., Jeff M., Andrew D, Frederick G.


I usually stream on Tuesday and Thursday evening at 10pm ET, and during the day on the weekend. Follow me on Twitter [@sinister1sda]( for updates on when I will stream. Check out my [YouTube]( where I have speedruns, bloopers, glitches, tutorials and more!

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a lot of common questions I get regarding games I play. Here are the answers! [Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!]( [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV](