Profile banner for sinlame



Streaming Art with 6 viewers

a 14 yr old called me cringey once and i haven't recovered since


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i am shy don't get out much, but when i do, i don't the games: some indie/retro games i really like point n click adventure/puzzle games, especially FMVs the arts: i do some painting and sculpting, traditionally


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just be a decent human being it's really not that hard go ahead, be mean to me i stg i will cry if u try to self promote in here, i will find u and dropkick u so hard


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[fb]( [ig]( [shops]( [tweeter]( [DOES ANYONE WANT SOME COFFEE](

q n a

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**Q**: how do I connect to the sub-only discord? **A**: step 1, be subbed. step 2, go to your discord>user settings>connections> connect to your twitch account and my server will pop up!

streaming schedule

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pippity poppity give me the zoppity

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tips not expected at all, but who am i to stop you? (i super appreciate it tho) [the zoppity]( alternate zoppity method is to cheer with bits thinking of subbing to me? hey you're pretty cool!