493 фолловера


Just an enby who sucks at video games.

Содержимое панели
I'm Rae, a 24 year old genderless gremlin who's been gaming for an upwards of 17 years. I used to stream a lot of FPS games, primarily OW, however I've moved onto FFXIV for the most part. I'm a BRD/DNC main on FFXIV. I play on Leviathan on Primal and am happy to help anyone with raids or PVP. [My Logs](https://www.fflogs.com/character/id/15468158) On Overwatch I was a support main typically around high masters/low GM, with a peak of 4156. Previous Teams: ○ Assistant Manager for Ascent (T2) ○ Assistant Manager for Odyssey (T3) ○ Assistant Manager for Inked (T3) ○ Coach for OC Esports (4.3k+) ○ Main Support/Captain for 5280 Soul (4.3k) ○ Coach for DogChamp (4.3k) ○ Main Support for Training Bots (4.2k) ○ Main Support for NUH? (4.2k) ○ Coach for G1 (4.2k) ○ Main Support for ADM Enigma (4.1k) ○ Coach for Error 404 (3.3k and 3.5k) ○ MS Sub for Unpaid Babysitters (Staff A Team) ○ HS for C is for Cheddar (Staff C Team) ○ Coach for ADM Void (3k) I also have over 200+ hours with 1 on 1 vod reviews from bronze to GM. I just want to help create a positive environment and try to stay positive as I play so hey. Let's all be PMA junkies fam~ **THANK YOU TO** [DandyShrew](https://twitter.com/DandyShrew) - Emotes [Rosemary](https://twitter.com/rosemary_ow) - Panels / Stream GFX [Jeremy](https://www.jeremyuni.com/) - Icon/Overlay/Sub Badges
Содержимое панели
1. Don't be an asshat. 2. No backseat gaming. Tips are helpful and appreciated, but be constructive. Not a dick. 3. Have fun and make friends.
Содержимое панели
This isn't needed at all, but every cent is appreciated. It all goes to helping either make this stream better or to help me through college! ♥ Top Donos: meimains420 - $420 + $52 Grizlee_Bear - $70 kokotherevelator - $55 FairyOnSteroidss - $50 Bae - $50
Содержимое панели
If you want notifications on when I go live, talk to me and my followers a bit more when I'm offline — join up! ^~^
Содержимое панели
**What's your name?** Rae. But I'm sure you'll hear me referred to by any number of names, honestly. **What are your pronouns?** They/Them! ♥ **Who do you main?** I'm a support main on OW and BRD/DNC main on FFXIV.