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Canadian vampire/werewolf hybrid and self-proclaimed knight attempts to climb his way out of his coffin of debt. Not a liability. Not inting. Not in denial. Follow to see where the story goes!

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>Name: Cloud Race: Hybrid Birthday: Oct 20 >Follow a comically unlucky Canadian boy crawling his way out of crippling debt and bad decisions. I love going on tangents, telling stories, and playing the survival horror game League of Legends. I substitute human blood with pizza sauce. I returned to streaming in 2023 after a long hiatus! >✧**Milestones**✧ ✔ First Stream: December 31 2015 ✔ Twitch Affiliate: July 16 2017 ✔ 100 Followers: December 5 2018
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>1. Follow Discord's TOS. Let's not get banned together. >2. No Spoilers or Backseat Gaming. I enjoy learning things on my own! >3. No advertising, self-promotion or game requests unless asked. Telling me you're leaving to go to your own stream is a quick way to get bent! >4. No trauma dumping. We're all fighting our own battles others can't see. We're here to have fun and escape IRL! >5. If you know me IRL, please do not share any details about me. This can be dangerous and not fun for anyone.
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>• SUNDAYS: [YouTube]( Video (soonTM) • What's a schedule
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>**CURRENT FOLLOWER GOAL** If I reach 300 followers, I will do a Drink Night Stream event where I'll play games drunk and do a live giveaway! >**How can I support you?** The best way to support me will always be to follow & [subscribe](, share the stream with your friends and have fun in chat with everyone! The same goes on [YouTube]( as well. >**[Tips]( & Bits** This is the other option available. Please check your financial situation first before tipping me or anyone. Don´t forget that the time you spend with me is already worth so, so much. Please note tips aren't requested nor refundable. By [tipping]( or using bits, you agree to not chargeback or refund any contributions made and are the rightful owner of the funds being tipped. You may click the image or links to tip if you must.