Банер на профила за sixfoot_ant

1,2 хил. последователи


I'm Bec aka the sixfoot_ant. Depending on my employment status I'm either an illustrator, or a microbiologist who paints a lot on the weekends. Ask me about the impending antibiotic resistance crisis!

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Fun Chat Commands

####Music: + !sr <youtube link> : Adds a song (or video) to the playlist + !song : Tells you the currently playing song + !next: Tells you the next song + !when: Tells you when your song is coming up ####Stream: + !quote add: add a quote to the list + !ants: see how many ants you have. ants can be gambled using the games below! + !leaderboard: see the ant leaderboard ####Games: + !roulette <amount> + !slots <amount> + !8ball <question> ###FAQ: + !brushes : get my brushes + !vdraw : about my stream overlays + !playlist : my youtube drawing playlist + !setup : tech I'm using + !patreon : my patreon + !social : links to everywhere I am To see all commands [click here.](https://streamelements.com/diademata/commands)