skullstream 的个人资料横幅

84 位关注者


Skullstream 直播 Call of Duty: Warzone。

**Events in my Lifetime:** 1987 - Born, Year of the Rabbit 1987 - Black Monday Market Crash 1990 - I learn chess and fishing. 1990 - TMNT live action in theaters! 1991 - My Uncle dies in a motorcycle accident 1991 - Terminator 2 and Point Break release 1992 - Cartoon Network established 1993 - Tombstone and Jurassic Park release 1993 - Power Rangers released in the US 1993 - Magic the Gathering created 1994 - Shawshank, Forrest Gump release 1994 - Amazon Founded 1996 - Dragonball airs for first time in US 1996 - Pokemon Red and Blue release 1997 - I win my first city spelling bee. 1997 - Titanic, Good Will Hunting release 1997 - Star Wars Special Edition re-release 1997 - Spawn Movie Release 1998 - I win my 2nd city spelling bee. 1998 - I win junior city chess championship. 1998 - I take SAT's for the first time in 6th grade 1998 - My Grandfather dies of pneumonia 1998 - Y2K scare 1999 - Google Founded 2000 - Gladiator, Memento released 2001 - 9/11 - Watched during English class sophomore year of HS 2001 - Marvel Comics abandons the comic book code 2002 - LotR, HP, Spider-Man continue 2003 - Human Genome Project 2003 - Tesla founded 2004 - My Mom dies of cancer, brother gets hit by a car as a pedestrian, spends next 6 months in ICU 2004 - MA 1st state to allow gay marriage 2004 - Hurricane Katrina 2004 - House first airs on Fox 2005 - I graduate HS and enter college 2005 - YouTube launched 2005 - Supernatural first airs on the WB 2006 - (Twitch) founded 2007 - First iPhone released 2007 - Twitter grows rapidly 2008 - US Housing Market Collapses 2008 - Air BnB founded 2009 - I Graduate College with a BS in Financial Information Analysis, enter Grad School in Boston 2010 - I meet my wife in Accounting class 2010 - I get my Master's degree in Accounting and begin working for a Fortune 100 defense contractor 2011 - Occupy Wall Street protests 2013 - Boston Marathon Bombings - I lived in the town where Tsarnaev was caught 2013 - Edward Snowden NSA leaks 2014 - renamed to 2014 - Amazon buys Twitch 2015 - Discord released 2015 - Snowpocalypse buries Boston 2016 - TikTok founded in China 2019 - Australia Bush Fires, Hong Kong extradition protests 2019 - Mandalorian releases 2020 - My Grandma dies of a brain hemorrhage 2020 - Covid-19, record unemployment 2020 - Black Lives Matter protests 2020 - Trump fails to be reelected