Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho skyevoid

376 người theo dõi


skyevoid truyền trực tiếp Nghệ thuật.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
FAQ ✶ where can I find your art? My instagram @Skyevoid or Tumblr @skyev0id ✶ Whats your fav colour? Yellow ✶ What games do you play? Fornite. I have no shame. and then games like Apex, COD, and whatever people recommend. STREAMING SETUP ✶OBS Streamlabs ✶ MacBook Pro (that dies constantly) ART SETUP ✶Cintiq Pro ✶ Photoshop ✶ Illustrator
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
✶ Hey There! Im Skye, a freelance graphic designer and aspiring digital artist. ✶ no I am not 16. ✶ I have a Shiba puppy named Nori and I love food. ✶ Hope you stay for chill vibes and good music!