Profile banner for snoodlybop



Just a normal guy that plays games as a hobby. I love being able to stream to raise money for my favorite charities and speedrun. I have a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and love teaching. Much Love Party People!

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I am SnoodlyBop, but everyone calls me Max! I stream and work a lot!! I have a Masters and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics. My main interest and area of study is in robotics and their control systems. When I do stream it is just to goof around and raise money for awesome charities! I am also a speedrunner of several classic games and am a huge fan of survival horror! Business Email:
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This stream is first and foremost a charity stream so I wanted to link all of the charities you can support through my stream and the money we have raised so far for them!! [Paws For Veterans](!/donation/checkout) Raised: $146.00 [Able Gamers]( Raised: $3,452 In conjunction with the Stew [Extra Life]( Rasied: Approximately $50,000 In conjunction With the Nerd Stash [PAWS Atlanta]( Raised: $1,847.15 [Brain and Behavior Research Foundation]( Raised: $1000.00 [American Foundation for Suicide Prevention](*17n99ly*_ga*OTQ0MzQ3NTEwLjE3MDQxMzg3Mzg.*_ga_44VZZG2H84*MTcwNDEzODczOC4xLjEuMTcwNDEzODc2Mi4zNi4wLjA.&language=en) Raised: $131.69 [1Up On Cancer]( Raised: $7,035 In conjunction with the Stew [Bat Conservation International]( Raised : $302 in conjunction with TheFellowshipOfTheBat [Starlight Children's Foundation](!/donation/checkout) Raised: $686.41 in conjunction with TheFellowshipOfTheBat. [ASPCA]( Raised: $227 There are also ways to help me out personally, but charity comes first so I shoved them down here! [Donate for Personal Finances](
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I am pretty lenient most of the time, but there are a few ground rules: 1.) Just ask before giving hints or posting links. 2.) Don’t be a dick! 3.) Only advertise KaeshiKasara!! 4.) My mods have final say! So if you get bopped Sorry Not Sorry! 5.) Save any babies for Bobo, it's their favorite meal! 6.) There is no pooping in chat, if you have to poop I will ban you. Whisper me when you are done and I will unban you!
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Here are all the Social Media Platforms you can follow me on so far!! [Twitter]( [Youtube]( [Instagram]( [Steam](