Profile banner for snookiful



Snookiful streams Minecraft.

When do I play!?

I stream on tuesdays and thursdays. Usually from 19.00 - 22.00 ish (GMT+1) All other times or days might vary.

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Who Are you, Snook?

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I am a guy from Denmark, who plays videogames for fun and streams for the same reason. I have a family and a dog, that I might mention and I sometimes talk about random weird stuff. Dont take it to srsly. Its all in good fun. Feel free to ask questions, but let me do some FAQ: *Why not facecam?* - I don't feel I need to follow any streaming trends. But mainly because I find other people's face cams distracting at best and narcissistic at their worst, but from time to time, I will do cam for you nerds. *Can I join?* - My minecraft gameplay is usually a singleplayer world, but when I play Dead By Daylight, feel free to ask. It could be fun. *Do you like optifine?* - Yes I do. Will use it all the time, if possible.

Chat Rules

**be nice and behave** **No backseat gaming** **Doing this for fun, not a job**

Games I Play:

* ## Minecraft I play singleplayer vanilla 1.14.3 hard difficulty on my own world. I might play on others servers in the future for fun, but my own world is prio nr. 1. Cheers. * ## Dead By daylight So much fun!! <3 * ## Other Games!? Yes I might play Elder Scrolls series, Heroes 3, Dying Light, Witcher series, Serious Sam and so on. We'll see.


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Donations are always welcome! They will help support the stream in a way that lets me stream more often and get upgrades.
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