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welcome to CHANNEL17. tune in and enjoy vid games, events and artful interactive experiences for your eyes and soul.

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#WELCOME TO **CHANNEL17**!! channel runner **socpens**. most call me scorpy or corby or soppy or any. streams. games. artful videos and interactive experiences for your eyes, ears and soul ... keep your eye peel. we've also got an amazing community goin of fun and creative people! [come on in]( to keep up to date on events and bitz **all business inquiries:**
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**no hate or bigotry. treat people as people, not concepts or objects** mods have final say. do not police/micro mod the chat for them last rule: when breaking benjamin plays on stream, u must respect the vibe. SOOO COOOOOLD
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[Donate here to support the show/say thank you!]( #**DISCLAIMER** Donations are voluntary support for the streamer and do not consist in a product provided to the viewer in any way. For media shares there is no guarantee your content will play. In the event of interactive streams, there is no guarantee bits, donations or subs will result in anything specific. Donations are non-refundable.
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[THE DISCORP - come for funny vids, retro things and art posting!! 18+]( [PATREON for VOD vault, exclusive art & vids, discord role]( [instagram]( [twitter]( [youtube]( [VOD channel](
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**THANK U TO** **brookah (dancing emotes)**: [Twitter]( **tuffqhost (bblovechip, bad2thabone, frogger pogger)**: [Twitter]( **kattkeyy (bb pointing emote)**: [Twitter]( **temu (MUSH ROOM)**: [Twitter]( **simeowlar (21 savage)**: [Twitter]( **jaydough (BT)**: [Ko-Fi]( **fen (low poly me & pol tape model)** **adriotes (wik, mr. clean, quentin, so many more models wtf)**: [Twitter]( **moputopia (egg fanart)** **bryce bucher: 3D model of me used in assets [Twitter](**