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Solraic truyền trực tiếp Fortnite, Chỉ trò chuyện và League of Legends.

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Within the League Of Assassins you can be rewarded ranked positions depending on how long you have trained your wisdom and spirit in my channel! Only the most dedicated and persistent can eventually become Ranked *10 Assassin! Ranked 1 Recruit ( 0 Hours) Ranked 2 Initiate ( 5 Hours) Ranked 3 Apprentice ( 10 Hours) Ranked 4 Soldier ( 20 Hours) Ranked 5 Disciple ( 40 Hours) Ranked 6 Mercenary ( 80 Hours + Subscriber) Ranked 7 Warrior ( 160 Hours + Subscriber)- Ranked 8 Veteran ( 320 Hours + Subscriber) Ranked 9 Master ( 640 Hours + Subscriber) Ranked 10 Assassin (1000 hours + Subscriber) *Ranked 10 Assassins Automatically Become Moderator on my channel with the requirement of respecting others and having mature attitude towards their duty as a Moderator. PARTICIPATE IN CHAT WITH THESE COMMANDS! !points - allows you to see your accumulated points and hours on this channel. !boss - allows you to start a raid on a random boss for the chance to win additional points! Good luck on survival though! You might not make it out alive! !challenge - challenge other viewers to a head on head battle for risked points(50). !ffa - challenge multiple viewers in a free for fall battle where only 1 person can be left standing to redeem the risked points. !8ball - Ask any question and see what the 8 ball has to say about your question! !bet - enter a bet! (example: !bet 2 50 ) Middle section is your choice, last section is your bet amount. !join - join my queue when it opens and have a chance to play with me in game! !sr - song request you can use Youtube to create a song request in this format EXAMPLE: !sr !uptime - View how long I have been streaming !following - View how long you have been following Solraic. !top5points -Who are the top 5 Assassins leading in Assassins Loyalty points.
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Feel 4D Tactile Vibrations as you watch movies, listen to music and play games; Kratos 4D Thrones by Colinse.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
-What is your name? My real name is Carlos but you can call me Sol. -Where do you live? Live in Taiwan but I from Miami,FL in the U.S. -What do you stream? Variety! From League Of Legends to FPS, Adventure and Horror Games. -What is or was your all time favorite game? Runescape was my thing back in the day! -What is your favorite game now? Any game I can kick some booty in. -Any other passion? I am professional metal musician -Skills? Cook, Bartender, Computer IT, Handyman, you name it I think I am pretty well rounded -Current Life goal? Get enough followers to sustain myself overseas and be able to consistently visit my family back in the U.S
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