Profile banner for somanychickens



Just a simple gathering of Chickens

Panel Content
**SoManyChickens** is a simple chicken who enjoys long walks on the farm and endless hours of gaming. She also has a degree in Game Design. This was not easy without thumbs.

"What does she do besides gaming?"

Apart from work, Chickens is fond of writing and art, which primarily consists of, watercolors, video game concept art, and 3D modeling.

Where is the Chicken Hut?

Panel Content
Discoooooooord!! All are welcome in the Chicken Hut!

"Why "SoManyChickens"?"

Ask and I will tell you the tale ;)

Where U At, Chickens???

I can be found in my other online coops: [**OFFICIAL DISCORD SERVER**]( [Instagram]( [YouTube]( [Facebook Art Page](