sombrarj 프로필 배너

팔로워 2,122명


Channel dedicated to Stream Raiders and Pokemon games?! Streams on English and Portuguese [EN/PT] Canal dedicado ao Stream Raiders e aos Pokemon! Streams em inglês e Português [PT/EN]

패널 콘텐츠
I like to play a lot of games, eventually i can try an FPS game but i am most likely play a wargame, RTS, sports, or a warhammer game, pokemon and Planet builders!! Also played a lot on Blizzard games in the past: Heroes of the Storm 3.000+ h / Hearthstone 200+
패널 콘텐츠
Hello! I am 39 years old and i play since i was 6. I am a lawyer on Rio de Janeiro and mostly i will be just running Stream Raiders, but when i have the chance i will be here with webcam and microphone to interact with everyone willing to spend some time! On PC i want to bring up a lot of different controllers!
패널 콘텐츠
-Abusive or racist comments are not allowed (Sem comentários racistas ou abusivos) -Don't post Links or Spam (Não poste links ou faça spam) -Please welcome new subscribers/followers! (por favor de das boas vindas aos novos integrantes da comunidade) -Be excellent to each-other (Seja bom para os demais) -Do not fight with others. This is a positive place to make friends and learn together! (Não brigue com os demais, este é um canal positivo para fazer amizades e aprender juntos) - Do not self-promote (Não se auto promova - Do not ask for raids (Não peça raids) Not following these rules can lead to timeout Não seguir essas regras pode gerar punição
패널 콘텐츠
Colabore com o Streamer! Não é essencial, mas ajuda a manter a stream! Help the Streamer! It is not needed but help the stream. Would like to thanks sub gifters sgtsplaterpants 220 jc_maybe 51 birositto 18 brokebroke 15 felip3rosa 16 Lord_Anjos 5 PyroNL 2 tiagohcp 2 Bhdop 1 gustavo97 1 fabricfabric 1 also skin gifters: jc_2021_ 141 sgtsplaterpants 74 brotherdalecio 70 brokebroke 26 MiniDaLizard 23 lord_lobster 15 birositto 14 barrelac 10 zeuseapolo 20 ForegoneRain 5 CMDOSbruno 5 Anjjo 5 PyroNL 5 roguemarina 5 HolyForce 4 felip3rosa 4 tiagohcp 3 Lord_Anjos 2 Wallsterix 1 Skin a thon HEROES: brokebroke 200 vorfinia 150 siddi 20 PyroNL 20 felip3rosa 15 Roguemarina 10 tiagohcp 10 Anjjo 10 williamwilson 7 10 Pbutters2 10 birositto 10 TheAncientAlbatross 5 NGzee_ 5 TriceratopsAlbino 5 TaraLeaKeener 5 Repobob 5 lightbender 2


패널 콘텐츠
We have 9 emotes on t1, 5 for followers, 4 for bits. If you like the stream please consider subscribe for it! It helps a lot! Temos 9 emotes do tier 1, 5 de seguidores e 4 de bits. Se você curte a stream, por favor considere se inscrever, pois isto ajuda demais!
패널 콘텐츠
Card Craft!