แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ someclassyfool

ผู้ติดตาม 57 คน


Professional Noob, Writer, Otaku in training, Nerd Extraordinaire, Derp Cosplayer, King of Sarcasm, DreamChaser and Overrated Badass.... oh and remember, #KeepSmiling and always #NoobLikeAPro ..... always.

My Peoples

So here's a link to my wordpress, you can catch my gaming reviews there or follow one of the other links to find the rest of my social media outlets: [Some Classy Opinion](https://someclassyopinion.wordpress.com/som-classy-media/) And here's my boy Randy on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/The_Shinoobi) and [Instagram ](https://www.instagram.com/the_shinoobi/)

Extra Life

If you're feeling philanthropic, I'm trying to help out with Extra Life to raise money for children's hospitals. Every dollar counts right! For the kids! FOR THE KIDS!