

Streaming and Failing at Games. What I do best!

I am nothing but a casual gamer. I am not a pro, nor am I a speed runner. You will not find these things here. I just like to play a game from start to finish on a casual basis. Most of these playthroughs are going to be blind, so please bare with me, as there will be moments of possible rage and frustration, but I want to figure things out on my own. I have recently been accepted on the NoPixel RP server for GTAV and I may stream it from time to time. All I ask is that you respect what I do, and if it's not your style, no one is forcing your hand. With the exception of Saturday mornings at 9am EST, I do not have a set schedule. Which means you might or might not see random streams once in a while. Most of the randoms will be for GTA RP. The set schedule is for when I play other games casually.
Feel free to support me. No obligations.
Feel free to join my discord about whatever you want, as long as you respect the server's rules. Please keep in mind that I use it for quite a few of my other projects.