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Just a barely average World of Tanks player trying to get some (s)kills....

About Me

Hi! Im SoSlo, Ive been streaming on Twitch since April of 2014. Took a pretty good size break and now Im working on coming back! Mainly play World of Tanks which I have been a part of since April of 2012. I do play some other games with my boys every now and then so come hang out and watch the shenanigans!

NA World of Tanks Streamers to watch!!

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Profile picture and emotes provided by samiamphx

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Awesome graphic designer who was gracious enough to bring my idea to life! Go check out his stream by clicking the image above!

WOTLabs Ranking

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Any donations will go back to the stream in some way, either as giveaways or upgrades. Thank you, SoSlo Gold Pack - NukeMall9405 - 10,500 gold - 30 days premium $100 - darr44 $20 - darr44 $50 - krossestarwind $25 - krossestarwind $5 - OldChieftain $5 - Ari G $7.50 - Bottomofthecup $20.00 - Caneada