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Hey there and welcome to the channel.The names Joey and I am a long time gamer who has now taken to streaming for the enjoyment of others along with myself.I hope you will find your time watching my gameplay enjoyable.

**I am a long time gamer that has recently taken to streaming for the enjoyment of others and myself.** **My first gaming console was the Nintendo Entertainment System <3 And my favorite title being Megaman.** **If I had to narrow it down to three main series that I love the most it would be,Final Fantasy,Monster Hunter,and Megaman.** **Sports are a fun topic for me though I only heavily follow certain ones like MMA,Boxing,and Football.** **Don't be afraid to be interactive in chat.I love communicating with the audience and will do my best to answer all questions that you may have about the current game.** **I appreciate every follow and every donation from the bottom of my heart.The first and foremost goal is entertainment and having fun which I hope I can provide for you.Thank you for tuning in.**
**If you wish to donate all you have to do is click the image above.Every Donation is appreciated and directly helps the stream <3** **Special Shoutouts** **Blue Sheep 20.00 <3 **
**I play nearly everything so you will see a wide variety of things around here from casual to competitive to hardcore.The emphasis is always on fun though.**
**You can find me on twitter by clicking the button above.**
**Interested in my other content created by myself? Hit the image above for my youtube channel.**
**Playstation Network:SotheFox** **Xbox:SotheTehFox** **Steam:SotheFox**