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Streaming Fortnite, Destiny, COD, or Pretty Much Anything Awesome

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+ **Thanks for stopping by!!! Jake and Joe both stream on this awesome channel! If you would like to check us out on YouTube, click the image above! Please feel free to like and subscribe!**

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Wednesday 9-12 Friday 10-2am Saturday 9-12am Sunday 9-12am All times are Eastern. Times may also vary according to family needs. Thank you for tuning in!

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+ **Click above to donate to our stream! Thank you for any and all Donations! They are certainly not required, but they significantly help the stream get better! Please only donate if you really feel like you can afford it. We appreciate you just being here. Any donations will go solely to to upgrade our terrible computers :(**

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1) **Don't be Mean** 2) **Don't Spam Messages** 2) **Don't Advertise Other Streamers** 3) **No Racial Slurs (you will be banned)** 4) **No offensive Language to guests.** 5) **Have fun. We Like To Interact, So Join In On The Conversation!**
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+ **Vote for me every day to be a FollowTrain VIP**
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**Here Is what we use to stream/play** Jake Joe - Streaming: i5-4460 Dell desktop, elgato hd60. - Gaming: i3-8100 processor, GeForce GTX 1060 GPU, Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB ram.
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+ **Follow us on twitter for updates! Click the link above to check out Joe on twitter**
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+ **Follow us on twitter for updates! Click the link above to checkout Jake on twitter**
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+ **Vote us to the top of by clicking the image! Thank you!**
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For cool graphics, emotes, and twitch fun visit our buddy Crash!
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We are part of an awesome stream team. If you would like further information about this wonderfully supportive team please let us know!