Záhlaví kanálu spider__rl

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Top 100 1s main streaming Rocket League

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## Welcome to my channel! I'm a 20 year old Rocket League player trying to get better at the game. I mainly stream 1v1 content. * Player for Ruthless Unity. * 1v1 coach for Forge Coaching. * 1v1Me Rocket League partner. * Content creator for RedCrown Esports * From Belgium RL mmr peaks: - 1s: 1667 - 2s: 2048 - 3s: 2002
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Not required, not expected but greatly appreciated!
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**!camera** + Field of View: 110 + Distance: 270.00 + Height: 100.00 + Angle: -5.00 + Stiffness: 0.50 + Swivel Speed: 4.00 + Transition Speed: 1.20 **!controls** https://imgur.com/a/0lMZ1xk
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Click the banner above if you're interested in 1s coaching.
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Visual snow is a medical condition where sufferers see static across their entire vision along with multiple other symptoms. I've suffered from the symptoms of visual snow for more than 6 years now and I've been diagnosed with the disorder in April 2022. The causes of visual snow are currently unknown and there are no cures to the disease. The symtoms from visual snow in patients can vary from minor, barely noticable to legal blindness along with titinus and many other symptoms which can be very impactful to someone's life experience. You can get to know more about visual snow by clicking on the banner above as well as support the VSI which funds research to investigate the disease further and hopefully find a cure in the near future.