Profile banner for spiderl0l



Hiya! My name is Daniel and I also go by Spider, I'm an 19 year old Challenger ADC main aspiring to go pro!

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Hiya friends! My name is Daniel but feel free to call me Spider. I'm a High Elo ADC main aspiring to go pro! I pretty much love playing all the ADC champs but if I had to give my favorites it'd be Xayah, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Ezreal and Tristana. If you're trying to get a hold of me generally typing in my Discord or DMing me on Discord (Spider#4444) is usually a good way of doing it.
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- Born December 6th, 2000 - Started playing in Season 4 (Around Braum/Gnar release) - First main was Leona Favorite Games: - League of Legends - Sonic Adventure 1 - Sonic Adventure 2 - Nier Automata - Ocarina of Time - Majora's Mask - Wind Waker - Uncharted 3 - Mario Kart Wii/DS - Little Big Planet 1/2 - Team Fortress 2 - Metal Gear Solid Favorite Movies/T.V Shows - Spongebob Squarepants - The Iron Giant - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Danny Phantom - Chowder - Rick and Morty (Season 1 and 2) - Jimmy Neutron - Sonic X - Dragon Ball Z - Naruto
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Season 4 - Made it to lvl 30 right as preseason started! Season 5 - Silver IV 55 LP (Might be peak?) Season 6 - Gold 1 0 LP (Don't remember the peak) Season 7 - Platinum 2 100 LP (I think I hit P1? I can't remember) Season 8 - Diamond 1 0 LP (Peak and Ended) Season 9 - Challenger 591 LP (Peak)

Donation Ezreal gif made by Stan Lion

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My general streaming days are Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays and the times can vary.
First Donation - Durdle1 : $10:00 First Sub - KawaiiSaTTV