Μπάνερ προφίλ για το κανάλι spoilerdiacre

272 ακόλουθοι


Say my name like: Spoiler + Dee + Ock + R(uh) or ask a french person.

Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
An entertainer by nature, a tech muse by trade. Spoiler Diacre (he/him) works in tech as a developer advocate and also performs a bit of improvisational theater. Spoiler started playing Minecraft through a manager at his work in 2020 and has been playing ever since. He loves to chat and keeps trying to grow his building skill. Once in a while he plays other games but for now you can count on him going back to Minecraft soon.
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
Follow Spoiler Diacre on these platforms - [Derp & Chill community](https://community.derpandchill.com) - [Mastodon @SpoilerDiacre@Craftodon.social](https://craftodon.social/@spoilerdiacre#) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/spoilerdiacre/) - [X @SpoilerDiacre](https://x.com/spoilerdiacre) - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@SpoilerDiacre)
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
I already know not to run with scissors and to look both ways when crossing the street. If you enjoy your time on my channel, leave a monetary tip through [ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/spoilerdiacre). ![](https://storage.ko-fi.com/cdn/brandasset/kofi_s_tag_dark.png)
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
SATURDAY NIGHTS TWICE EACH MONTH Once in person and once virtually (but still live) on Twitch Pre-show - 6:30 PM Pacific Showtime - 7:00 PM Pacific Appropriate for all ages At [twitch.tv/jetcityimprov](https://twitch.tv/twistedflicks) At Twisted Flicks, we present a retro movie (usually old-school horror, thriller, or wacky sci-fi), but he sound is turned off and the Twisted Flicks team improvises new dialogue, sound effects and a live musical score – using audience suggestions to fill in the blanks. Watch and hear the magic happen as the improvisers sync up with the characters on screen, to hilarious results. It’s a combination of Bad Lip Reading, fun old movies, Mystery Science Theater and live improv! Directed by Mike Christensen Since 1997, we’ve twisted over 250 movies, including such fabulously goofy selections as Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Masters of the Universe, Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Monster, and many, many more.