Profile banner for spraymotionz



If you’re looking for the best gamer than I’m not the one for you! I play to have a good time and build bonds with the community along the way! I’m just a lad from Manchester looking to build a strong family.

About Me

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Hi, i'm Spray and i'm 24 year old gamer from Manchester(UK) who loves playing Call Of Duty! I stream Mon,Tues,Thurs & Fri at 7:30BST! I have 2 kids and a Fiance that supports everything we do on the channel! I am always engaging with my chat and i'm happy to answer any questions you may have!


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If you haven't already, drop us a follow! It's FREE and it would really help out the stream and also did i mention that it was FREE ;). You can unfollow at anytime but would appreciate it if you joined our 'unusual' but fun community!


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Click the image above so you can follow me on Twitter where i regularly update and promote any information and Giveaways that we run!


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Donations are not necessary on the channel but if you do want to, then all donations will go towards improving and styling the stream and also GIVEAWAYS that we run through our channel! Donations are unfortunately non-refundable.


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Click the image above so you can follow me on Instagram where i regularly post photos regarding that days stream and also of my daily life off stream!