Profile banner for spyderscorner



Big ol' nerd who has been told he has a great voice. Variety stream, mostly around single player games, skewed towards the retro side of things. Conversation ranges from games to beer to entertainment as a whole!

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Branching out into streaming and attempting to get more regular with my cadence here. I play a bit of everything across all platforms, so give me a follow to keep up with what I'm currently playing through!
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As I'm trying to get more regular with my streaming, I'm aiming for 2 days a week, minimum for my Extra Life Milestone games. During the week, this will likely be on Tuesday or Thursday, around 8:00pm ET.
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[Blog]( of video game and entertainment news that interests me and may interest you too! Check it out and feel free to let me know what you think.
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My YouTube channel where I upload video content like unboxings, reviews, and other random things of that nature.
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Facebook page for all of the nerdy things!
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Temporarily switched to my Extra Life page! Help kids in need! 100% optional, 1000% appreciated. Just wanted to throw this in here in case anyone felt generous!