Profile banner for sqr_y3



Lowkey tessellation Gamer. Bloxeed (WR - 734 lines) , Tetris: the Grand Master series (SGDQ 2015, RTAiJ2 2017 runner), NES NTSC Nintendo Tetris (2017-2021, DAS w/ the best game of 1.06M and 12 maxouts).


# Bloxeed (most lines for 1 credit) WR & arcade NR: 734 (Verified JHA in 2022 June, 29 May 2022) Recorded PB: 714 (at home, 20 Jun. 2021) # Tetris: the Grand Master series (Streaming under the guideline #TGM_SERIES: see ## The Grand Master (1) Time PB: 9:07.61 Beaten BIG+20G twice ## The Absolute Plus (2) Master former #1 best rank (Gm-orange): 7:15.60 \#5 in T. A. Death: 4:55.65 First man to beat Doubles mode alone (1P2C) & #3 fastest: 4:26.71 ### SGDQ 2015, RTAiJ2 2017 runner # NES NTSC Nintendo Tetris *(plays DAS, retired in 2021)* \#32 maxout achiever (#29 for DASer) PB from 18: 1,061,154 (233 lines / lines best: 238) PB from 19: 914,405 (231 lines) career maxouts (>999,999): 12 ## CTWC: 2017 23rd, 2018 22nd, 2019 26th, 2020 84th, 2021 105th / RiJ Winter 2021 runner # Technos Blockout (Arcade, Japan Set) \#4 Best score: 498,923 (Rd. 1-44, 7 faces left) 1-Credit Best round (20 Start): 54, 9 faces left # Technos Geom Cube (PS1, NTSC) VS. CPU Speedrun: 14'40" (WR) Finite 1-99 Speedrun: 2:22"06"

Loose Rules

- My mic is basically turned off when no chats coming (Sorry, I'm too lazy and reluctant to speak something ;( ) - When mic is on, I usually speak in Japanese/English *(I really want to spell it Engrish though)* - Tell me in chat when something in trouble, then I'll check stuffs - No extreme slanders, please - チャットに反応がない場合は独り言を言わずマイクを切っていることが多し(喋ることが余り無い) - 言語は日本語か英語(Engrishです)、チャットは目視で確認しますので反応遅れるかも - なんか不具合あったら教えて下さい(可能な限りやってみます) - 中傷は慎むこと

About me

# "SQR Y3" or simply "SQR" - He/Him / born in 1983 - reads as an acronym, named after a command that yields the **sq**uare **r**oot (in e.g. BASIC) - A low-key video game player, pinball novice (for real tables only), craft beer aficionado, etc. - Yonezawa, Yamagata -> Sendai, Miyagi -> Kita-ku, Tokyo - Speaks JP (mains), EN (a little) & reads JP, EN (not a quite), DE (sehr wenig) ## Other things (category favorites in brackets) - Twin-stick arena shooters (Geometry Wars, Black Widow) - Pinball (Radical!, Centaur, Iron Maiden LotB, Paragon, etc.) Visited PAPA 19 in 2016 - Slay the Spire - MegaCrit 2017