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Private Pilot ASEL / ATC-CTI / PilotEdge ATCS / VATSIM ATC/Pilot

Welcome to my Twitch channel!

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Thank you for following me on Twitch! I will be recording many videos throughout the upcoming weeks. Please be on the look out for past and current broadcasts!
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Put simply, PilotEdge provides software to connect your flight simulator to our voice and data network. PilotEdge features a sophisticated voice system that closely mirrors the way real VHF radios work. You’ll only hear the pilots that are on your frequency, and only if they’re relatively nearby. Just like in the real world, as you gain altitude you’ll be able to hear aircraft from further away. The PilotEdge Air Traffic Controllers connect to the voice and data network using specialized software. It provides them with a display that is virtually identical to the display used in real-world ATC facilities.


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We kindly accept donations or tips of any size as it helps to keep the stream alive! In time, hopefully new equipment will be purchased and additional time set aside to both entertain and educate the audience of future streams. Please click on the banner above to access the donation website.
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Virtual New York provides training and resources to the simulated air traffic community and aims to replicate its real world counterpart.