
Just a regular blood bowler who happens to run Rebbl Rookie League, a league designed to teach new players the game. I'm not the best coach, but I have a lot of experience and knowledge to share, and I love this game! Mostly play Blood Bowl 2, a little BB1 and Dungeonbowl.

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Hey Guys, welcome to the most half-assed Twitch channel on the internet! I'm just here to have some fun streaming Blood Bowl, a game I've loved for many years while never quite being good enough to be a top tier coach, so instead I focus my attention on helping other new coaches play, learn and have fun in ReBBRL, The Reddit Blood Bowl Rookie League. You're likely to see me playing league matches within either ReBBRL or ReBBL (The experienced players league within our family of leagues) or helping out the new guys. Feel free to say hi, or ask any questions, and I'll do my best to answer. I've been playing Blood Bowl since 1994 on and off, but started to take it seriously in 2002, when I was once again able to enter tabletop events, and even more so in 2009 when I first started playing online. I'm no Sage or Sandune, but I like to think I know the game well enough to give anyone a good match and be a little bit interesting for those who love this wonderful game. For those interested in joining a blod bowl league, feel free to hit up our **subreddits:** **[ReBBL](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReBBl/new/)** for ReBBL, the main league for experienced coaches worldwide. **[ReBBL](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReBBRL/new/)** is the ReBBL Rookie League, for new and inexperienced coaches, or those interested in mentoring new players.
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This stream would not be possible...in fact, my gaming would not be possible...without the amazing community of ReBBL, the largest Blood Bowl League in the world. Thanks to some wonderfully generous donations, I was gifted a brand new pc to replace my ten year old potato when it exploded. I have been unable to buy one myself, as I am permanently broke...I'm unable to work due to being a full time carer for my partner, who suffered a stroke as a child and is partially paralysed, and my four year old autistic son Kieran. Without the following people (and more who chose to remain anonymous) I wouldn't be here. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to: **James Ragan, Schlice, Sandune, Patrik Grulich, Lynx, Rolbot, Vikingkop, Powod, Sebastian Spandl, Kamakazie, Debtmonkey, Morka and Liam Coulson, David Fleshman, Kallisti Maya, Cakengrad, Yasinde, Andreas Mieritz and of course FullmetalCOS, the man behind the fundraising and the brains of the outfit.** There are no words to express just how much your support means to me...so instead I'll just work my ass off to justify it. Any further donations to **[Squiggy](https://streamlabs.com/squiggy1981)** will be spent on a webcam, so I can finally show my face!