Profile banner for squishieinc



Game Developer 🧙🏻‍♂️Gamer 👾 Father of 4 👶🏻Make sure to turn on Notifications for my streams.You guys are AWESOME!!

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###Respect EVERYONE and KEEP IT CLASSY! No Racism/Sexism/Homophobia/Rape jokes or other hate-based speech. This offense we take seriously and may perma-ban without warning. Also, there is a difference between rude negativity on any topic and constructive opinions. Please be mindful of this, and act like a gentleman/lady. WE FOLLOW WHEATON’S LAW. ###NEVER ask why you or another viewer were timed out in chat. Simply read the chat rules during your timeout and when your timeout ends, continue chatting as if it never happened. It was just a few minutes. It ain’t no thang. ###“I was just joking” is not an excuse if you take a comment or question or insult too far. Further to this, saying “Kappa” doesn’t make being really rude or offensive ok. ###All controversial topics are not appropriate here. This is a place to chill, have a laugh, and be entertained. It’s our positive, happy place! It is NOT a place to discuss politics, war, moral issues, patriotism/anti-patriotism, religion, piracy, drugs, tragic or heated issues in the news, etc, or any argumentative and pointless topic. ###Spoilers. Posting any kind of spoiler (true, false or jokes) will get you timed out or banned depending on the severity of the spoiler. Do not ask for or share server info. SquishieInc doesn’t share it and would appreciate that even if you know the server he’s on, you also do not share it. Thanks! ###English language We love interacting with our viewers but we only speak English, so please try to keep conversations in English! Thanks for understanding. ###Please do not spam or type in all caps. No arguing with the moderators. At all. This includes being disrespectful in chat. No links allowed. We only allow links of clips from SquishieInc's channel. Any other links are only for moderators and verified chat regulars. No advertising anything (another channel, website, YouTube, etc) without direct permission.
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