Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho sr_bigboaby

25,3 N người theo dõi


Đang truyền trực tiếp Cult of the Lamb với 79 người xem

My name is Robert, or Big Boaby which is my tag name. I am a part of the SR (Salt Raiders) Group where we generally play a mixture of games including deceit games like Enemy on Board, Among Us, SCP etc.

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Use the Promo Code BigBoaby for 20%off your order


Thanks to My current Supporters: - MrSpheres - Na_Man - Clonedc - Dragonhunt - NoBeans - Redstar8250 - ShadesofOoze - Videogamer75 - Kaif - Dreathloss
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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
- Be Polite and respect each other - No Advertisements - Be Friendly - No racism or bullying towards others. - Ask a Mod to post links
Subs & Bit Alerts 1 Sub - Scare Me Shout 2 Subs - Dew it 3 Subs - Shout in My ear 5 Subs - Kaif Man 10 Subs - I am The biggest Fucking Wanker 11 Subs or More - Hey Daddy Possum 150 bits exactly - Laugh Track 200 bits exactly - Hello 300 bits exactly - Oh So Foxy 400 bits exactly - Im A Pigeon 500 bits exactly - Sonic Drown Noise 750 bits exactly - Throwing Switch Controller 800 bits exactly - Scream in My Ear 1000 bits exactly - Devour Scream 1500 bits exactly - Wanker Wank Wanker 3000 Bits Exactly - Anakins High Ground Bits Greater than 1000 - Hus little boaby Any £/$ Donation - Cheers Baw Bag
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
If you wish to donate please click the above button. All donations are appreciated. Disclaimer: If you do decide to donate, please remember that they are non-refundable. I am not providing any goods in return for donations. Cheers Guys <3
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
For My Discord click the graphic above or this link [here]( If you wish to follow the SR discord click [here]( Come chat and become part of the ever growing army of followers in both these great discords
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Check out my Youtube channel where I put up a variety of videos from among us, Smash brothers, retro videos and weird stuff like deep frying [here]( No one in the Salt Raiders would be here if it was not for the man himself Kaif. Check out his videos and be sure to sub and like his content! [kaif](
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
- Keep upto date with me via Twitter [@SR_bigboaby]( - Follow me on reddit at [u/sr_BigBoaby]( - Latest Youtube Videos found at [Big Boaby](
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Check out all the Salt Raider Streamers by clicking the above link
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Tier 1 & 3 Emotes and Scene Art created by [QuickBitter]( Tier 2 Emote and Merchandise created by [Steph C](
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Free Ham has now become a thing and in celebration of this I have now opened a merch store on Streamlabs to sell a Free Ham mug for $15. Go check it out!
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