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Staged casts Dota2 and Rocket League with an uncontainable level of hype.

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Welcome backstage! I am your stage manager, a full time developer and part time streamer coming out of hiatus. Chat commands are nonfunctional until I repair them.
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Random weekend streams
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1. Don't be a dick. memes and spam are welcome, but if you're told to cut it out, then listen. I don't want to ban you, and I don't want to time you out. Don't make me. 2. Don't ask for mod. 3. If my title says "blind" don't give me hints. I will ask if I need help. 4. Don't be a duck. And by that I mean dick.
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Credit for awesome emotes goes to Twitch screwed up the emotes, they'll be moved back to T1. No idea why it happened like it did.
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