Profile banner for starguy96



This is a g o o d v i b e s o n l y streaming channel

Short bio idk

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My name is Josh I'm a 22 year old that loves space and especially video games that have to do with space. I'm a variety streamer so I'll basically be streaming all sorts of games, ranging from multiplayer to singleplayer, sometimes with friends, and sometimes not. I stream when I have time between classes since I'm on the college grind right now so I don't really have a set schedule. Anyways thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my attempt at commentating over games! :D

Donate here :D

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Thank you so much to anyone who donates! I really appreciate it! <333 (Keep in mind you don't have to) They will all go towards building a spaceship to get to a Halo ring (I know they're out there).