Баннер профиля для stationdood

64 фолловера


Gamer. Anime fan. Peacenik. Prinny dood.

Содержимое панели
# Yo, doods! ## This is **Station**: *the Prinny DOOD!* I'm a **SoCal native**, **Gamer** and **Anime Fan** Thanks for joining me!
Содержимое панели
If music is enabled, type **!songrequest** or **!sr** to add a song to the queue.
Содержимое панели
## If you want to *request a game*, I'm mostly trying to finish these titles on Nintendo Switch: * Cave Story+ * Child of Light * Flinthook * Freedom Planet * Hyrule Warriors * Mario Odyssey * Okami * Rain World * Rayman Legends * Shikhondo * Shovel Knight * Sonic Mania * The Way Remastered * Tiny Barbarian * Valkyria Chronicles 4 * Zelda: Breath of the Wild ## [Click here for a list of my PC games](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GganvDTF5-Aj-IFojf019he8XgvZMvutPH8nUeFMRek/edit?usp=sharing)
Содержимое панели
### ^^^ Click above to follow @StationDOOD ^^^
Содержимое панели
No set schedule yet. **Please follow me on Twitch & Twitter for "going live" announcements!**
Содержимое панели
### ^^^ Click above to join our discord ^^^
Содержимое панели
# 工事中
Содержимое панели
# Wanna mix it up? Try these commands: * !agony * !ares * !chewie * !drivesafe * !excellent * !fail * !khan * !kraken * !lonely * !lunartears * !mexican * !princess * !nerds * !nuts * !outto * !runaway * !sparta * !toolman * !unbelievable * !xfiles * !zim