Profile banner for stellularhalo



Dragon that occasionally streams on Twitch! Plays primarily what interests me at the time, focus being on shorter and/or story driven games. Or what's available that I own on Game Pass, Steam, or Switch.

About Me!

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Hey everyone! This is StellularHalo! Just a dragon gamer that plays in their free time! I'm more well known from within the Fall Guys community, but I do play other video games outside of that game, notably the Forza Horizons series. I also like to branch out and try other games that I haven't played yet. Or we might revisit games for various reasons.

Artist Info

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All emote and panel art are premades done by PupTeaArt. The panel will take you to their Etsy store where these emotes plus many many more are available for purchase.

My Ko-fi

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If you want to support me directly, donate to my Ko-Fi. Not required, but all donations are largely appreciated, even small ones.

My Discord

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Come on by for updates about streams or just to chill and vibe with other community members!

My Twitter (Main)

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This Twitter leads to my main account. I primarily talk about Fall Guys and maybe other video games over there. You get updates as to when I start stream there.

My Twitter (Furry)

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This Twitter leads to my furry account. I showcase my partial suit there and show what I've been up to over there.