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The Shooting Game Weekly is a show that covers great shooting games (or shmups) with commentary from passionate fans of the genre.

What is STG Weekly?

**STG Weekly** is the **Shooting Game Weekly**: a weekly show featuring gameplay of **STG** or **"shmups"** with commentary from passionate fans of the genre. We comment on **1 credit clears or high scoring replays** typically: discussing strategies, techniques, mindset, aesthetic or anything related to the game or the genre.

What is Awesome Game Replays?

**Awesome Game Replays** is STG Weekly's side show: **focusing and exploring on in-depth strategies for non shooting games.** What this entails depends on the game being featured, but it can be **strategies for 1 credit clear, 1 life clear, scoring, speed running, or plainly "How to play, excel, and have fun."**

Be a guest on STG Weekly!

If there's a game you're knowledgeable on and would like to see it appear on an STGW episode, please fell out this short form and we'll get back to you! [Episode application form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4yQi1vw3Y3gk7pi7Qm5K_2f9a4YurB7ym4gOW1ZGRs7krLg/viewform)


1. [Youtube](http://youtube.com/stgweekly) 2. [Episode Blog](http://stgweekly.wordpress.com/) 3. Twitter: [@stgweekly](http://twitter.com/stgweekly) 4. [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Shooting-Game-Weekly/485759451490983), like the page! 5. [Shmups Forum](http://shmups.system11.org) +Great resource for information on STG.

Chat Rules

1. Do not make unnecessarily profane or gross comments. 2. Be respectful to others. 3. Don't be obnoxious or annoying. Violations of these rules will result in a ban from the chat.