Záhlaví kanálu stretch1000

91 sledujících


stretch1000 vysílá Kebab Chefs!: Restaurant Simulator, Choo-Choo Charles a Phasmophobia.

Obsah panelu
Obsah panelu
I made a Twitter just for you guys! I'll let you know if I plan to go live a certain day or not! Just click the Twitter label above this to go to it.
Obsah panelu
At the moment I am mainly playing theses games: - Total War: Warhammer 3 - Crusader Kings 3 - Tabletop Sim - Lunch Lady - Phasmophobia - Forewarned - Across The Obelisk - Orcs Must Die 3 - Evil Dead: The Game Future Games I Plan to Play: - Shadows of Doubt - Spin Wheel of Games (Not a game, but can lead to horror games such as spider-related games) These games are subject to change from time to time depending on what I feel like playing.
Obsah panelu
The money that is given to me will go towards making my streams better. I have my new headset now! Thanks everyone! However, I still need to get a good mic to get my volume better. All money I get is going straight to that to improve your experience
Obsah panelu
DONATIONS ARE NOT NECESSARY AT ALL! I love to just stream and entertain you guys. However, if you do decide to donate I greatly appreciate it!