sugarpink_ 的個人檔案橫幅

115 位追隨者


Hi, I'm SugarPink! I am a soft quiet bean but I enjoy hanging out with friends. I like trying to make a comfy, friendly space. ^^ ♥ I stream some of my favourite games and would love for you to come hangout with me. Check the info panels if you wanna join my discord. (She/Her) ♥

♥ The Rules ♥

Hey there~ Thank you for joining my stream and sticking around to read these. I like to have nice relaxing chill streams and the best way to ensure that is to make sure all rules are followed. ♥ Be kind and respectful this includes to yourself No advertising yourself or other things/people in my stream. This includes advertising me in other streams or channels. The exception to this rule is if you own or know the owner and have explicit permission to do so. If you are asked to stop doing something please stop. Do not spam (or ping) someone repeatedly emote spam or hype spam is okay but do not copy and paste the same message over and over. Please do not PM/DM me On Discord or any platform I am on. As much as I would love to personally befriend and be able to have one on one conversations with all of you it is virtually impossible. I don't want to give a long list of excuses and just want to be transparent. I actually have a lot anxiety and I get stressed out and overloaded very quickly so interacting with even a couple of people at once in different chats can be too much for me. I would also feel incredible guilt if I couldn't respond to everyone with 100% focus and interest. I will absolutely try my best to reply if you say something in general to me or in my stream chat. But please please please do not take this personally or think any less of yourself if I don't respond. I am either busy or simply did not see it . The exception to this rule is if someone is harassing or bullying you in my discord server group. If this happens please tell me or one of my mods and we will asses the situation and handle it the best way we see fit. If someone is doing so on twitch itself or outside of my discord group block/report/to the owner of the server or platform.

♥ Join my discord and come hangout!~

You can do !discord in my chat and it will pull up an invite link ooooor you can click this one~ Remember to read the rules once you've joined. I also have a stream schedule posted there as well and any amendments that can occur are updated there too. Sometimes I can't decide which game I would like to play and will hold mini votes to see who would like to see what.

♥ Tippy Tips

Please do not feel obligated to tip/donate. Tips go into my bills/food/streaming equipment/important stuff. It is definately not required, please please do not feel like you -have- to tip. ♥ If you do tip, thank you thank you thank you thank you ♥