팔로워 317명


Suggestful님이 카운터 스트라이크: 글로벌 오펜시브 방송 중

About Me

패널 콘텐츠
Just tryna have fun and see where it takes me


패널 콘텐츠
Donations. Something never encouraged but always appreciated! All donations will go towards supporting the stream and giving back to my amazing twitch family! -By clicking on this panel you are verifying that the money you are donating is yours -NO REFUNDS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES


패널 콘텐츠
If you would like to subscribe and help the stream it would be greatly appreciated as every dollar would go back toward the stream. Appreciate all the love and support <3 -By clicking on this panel you are verifying that the money you are donating is yours


패널 콘텐츠
You can find my twitter handle here! Ever need to talk to me for anything you can always find me here! Just make sure to follow (:


패널 콘텐츠
I post some random clips i get from any game I play just for fun.