Profiilibanneri – sumobill

542 seuraajaa


Proof you can be married, have kids, and still play games. I'm your average gamer guy. Come in and chat and have fun. Welcome to the #sumostable! Hopefully this becomes a very unique interactive community.

Paneelin sisältö
Age: 35 Years Young Status: Married Number of Kids: 4 Height: 6'3" Are you really a fan of Sumo? YES....I even have a sumo wrestler tattoo on my left forearm.
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- Please do not self-promote in chat unless approved by me. - Do not spam links. You may only link something if you have approval from myself or from a mod. - We are here to have fun so that means there will be no discrimination or disrespect based on race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, or religion. - Last, but not least, HAVE FUN!
Paneelin sisältö
Why should you subscribe? -This helps support the stream of course! -Will be available for sub-only chat (when enabled) -You will of course get a sub badge The sumo stable is always looking for more rikishi to join the ranks. This will help support me and my family doing what I love doing. If you can't afford to subscribe there is no requirement! Just join the stream and enjoy!
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Donations are always appreciated, but not expected. If you donate please leave a message so I can read it on stream! Donations are non-refundable so please be sure before you donate.
Paneelin sisältö
GeForce RTX 2070 Super T-Force Vulcan Z 32GB Ram 1TB SSD & 4TB HD AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
Paneelin sisältö
!discord - Join my discord and interact with me outside of stream. !points - See how many points you have to gamble with !gamble - Type this, then "space", and followed by an amount to gamble. !slots - Type this, then "space", and followed by an amount to gamble !heist - Type this, then "space", and followed by an amount to gamble. !subs - How many current subs do I have !8ball - Ask a question and shake the 8ball !followsince - How long has someone been following SumoBill for !headset, !keyboard, !mouse - Hardware info !commands - See additional commands


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