Profile banner for sunsetwastaken



New Evelynn is amazing and I want to be the first person to figure her out. Don't be shy to ask questions, I watch my chat during games, and join the discord server if you like to chat.

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Special thanks to Flozzed for always helping me with art!
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I am here to help anyone who would like to improve their jungle game. Evelynn can be tough to figure out since her pre-6 is one of the weakest in the game. Because of this, I offer FREE VOD reviews to anyone who would like some help. All you have to do is message me on discord to set up a time for the review. Only discord messages will work so that I can keep track of the requests! I ask that the games you submit have one of the following: 1. A point in the game where you weren't sure what to do. 2. A bad pre-6 where you die or get invaded. 3. A very close game, win or loss where you went even. Please avoid submitting one sided games. It will be difficult for me to comment on a game where you were able to get fed because of enemy team mistakes. We want to focus on how you can improve, which means looking at your mistakes and bad habits. If you want to review a game where you did really well but still lost, we will only look at the last 10 minutes of the vod to see if you could have done better in the late game.
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The reason I am not playing atm is because back when I started streaming I promised myself that I would give it my all until the very end and that if I decided that it wasnt working I would quit to focus on other things. The reason I dont is because I want the personal challenge of not doing this thing I like until I master 3 other parts of my life. Firstly I'm focusing on my health. Weight, posture, and running are the things I'm doing in regard to health and its all things that I kind of neglected while I was streaming. I lost 40 lb, ran a half marathon, and was able to eliminate many joint pains so far! Second I am focusing on learning to program. Its something that I want to make into a career and I feel like I am set back by the 2.5 years I streamed in that regard as well. Thirdly I am learning to play the lute. A different hobby from gaming to diversify my life a bit. Its a lot of fun and was an inspiration by the witcher series!
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Support is greatly appreciated! Donating is completely optional and your viewership is all I ask for. Top Donators: XinXhit $255 Ragingg $201 DarkLightDiana $200 TheArctic $105 Physaliz $85 DevinZander $75 st_tallen $70 Pedersen175 $50 AbsentDesire $50 FakeBirthdayHype $50 Cerianah $50 AbsentDesire $50 Glassfrost $37.50 iMpactFuze $30 Evelynna $30 FakeGamerCat $29 Loli_tickler $24 PugnatiousPaladin $22 Heath_Alex $20 Error1001 $20 acampb311 $20 V1rusH0st $20 Sherloc $20 Oda $20 moist_muffins69 $19 MyNameIsOzair $16 Simon $15 James $15 Syndrastically $15 Flozzed €13.37 Weldras $13.37 Kudou $11 JadeHawke $10 Arienne $10 Lilyith96 $10 Karmafireaz $10 Errer1001 $10 Spybooot $10 Snorlaxtim $10 SoulGhost80 $10 guviduz $10 PraZeroDyme $10 Hillsideboys $10 Dazurak $10 Nemo $8 KingBoootylicious $7.50 Omaya $6.20 (4.20) Gnargodics $6 Teehunter $6 Daylight $5.83 Jordancowan6 $5 Ani $5 Nadenate $5 Rookal $5 zSlei $5 Dirtytalker $5 Legendary_TwistedFate_NA $5 DrPengyBoby $5 Paethrick $5 LordXenu $5 Fearsomeplayer1 $5 bigdbandido $5 MattFrusha $5 Redillusions $5 Marshmello $5 Sushibeats $5 Mrkippa $5 Angie $4.44 Sfil $3.5 Rubie $3 Sabertooth $3 IVIVX $3 Thalen $3 Nero_Vortex $2.50 badguypt $2 Elena_siegman $2 ReyPew $2 highfallen_rl $2 Geoffg16 $2 YautjaWoIf $1 crazyjohn05 $1 Eliozh $1 as of 6/6 - I update these Monthly :)
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I am streaming out of the one and only Connecticut, but I am originally from Ukraine. I have been playing League for a very long time now. When I first got into the game it was still in Beta. I was trying to convince my friends to play Heroes of Newarth because it had voice chat and I was convinced it was better for this reason (HINT HINT RIOT). Ultimately I gave in to their demands and started playing League. After that my life was over. I am now part of the system. League is life. Evelynn has been one of my favorite champions throughout the life of League. I have played almost every iteration of her, except when the hate spike hit 5 people. I started to play this game more seriously two years ago, which is when I made the switch to being a jungle main ( I was a mid laner before that). I tried my best to climb the soloqueue ladder but ultimately failed to achieve my goal of master tier after many failed promo series. Because of the frustration of not achieving my goal I gave up on gaming and league of legends for several months. At that point in my life I was happy to never play league again, but Riot was not done with my soul just yet. They released a new iteration of my favorite champion and the rest is history.
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Shout out to Silencer for sending me the pc TOTALLY FREE to support the stream. Coming in clutch right as the summer months are about to hit, and the heating would become an issue. Ram 16GB Processor Intel i5-2500 @3.3GHz Graphics AMD RX 550 Memory 500 GB SSD