Profile banner for superflytransguy



Hard of Hearing, Trans, black guy who has a passion for video games, animals, music, and all things positive. Learning to grow and wanting to grow with y'all too

Superlit AF

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I'm SuperflyDeafguy420 aka Superfly, Cameron or Cam! I'm a chill hard of hearing gamer with a passion for music and spreading love. I have 2 reptiles that I hold dearly to my heart. What started this was the inability to use in-game voice chats due to ADHD & Anxiety which impairs my auditory processing a wee bit so I find using Closed Captions when I play with folks in the Discord and that has led me to doing what I love and helping folks do what I do and meeting amazing folks like you which grows OUR community

SuperflyTransguy's Chat Rules

-18+ to join any games we are playing or to join the discord -To say hi type !welcome -Be 420 friendly -Be a decent human -Respect others and yourself -No politics -NO SELF PROMOTION OR DISCORD PROMOTION -The MODS, VIP, or the chat will shout you out if they feel you have earned it. Failing to follow the rules will result in a timeout or ban All we asked is that you just be a decent human/super fly viewer

Join my Discord: Super OGs

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Calling all stoners, gamers, and amazing genuine folks to come join my discord that is filled with amazing streamers from all over the world. Must be 18+, 420 friendly, and respectful of the rules in our discord. We made this to get to know, toke up, to share our lives and our love for all things 420, gaming, and humorous jokes!
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Come Subscribe and check out videos I have uploaded onto YT!
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Logo & Cover made by Amaribladewood Panels made by Lala_Land2000 Twitch channel: https//:Twitch.TV/Lala_Land2000