Баннер профиля для superspikeghettibros

1,2 тыс. фолловеров


We're the Super Spikeghetti Bros! Mike is A WORLD CHAMPION and Jason is built different! We have a weekly Kingdom Hearts podcast called The Ansem Report! We stream all kinds of things. May your heart be your guiding key!

Содержимое панели
We're the Super SpikeGhetti Bros. We typically stream every Sunday, Monday and Tuesday! We play all kinds of games but have a focus on Kingdom Hearts and other JRPGs, Also Peggle. We have the longest running Kingdom Hearts Podcast. Mike is a WORLD CHAMPION Speedrunner. Jason will be the NICEST Speedrunner. Join The Cult of Spikeghettium TODAY! Home of The Super Spikeghetti Bros Podcast Network We have a yearly marathon charity stream in May where we've raised thousands of dollars for charity. Time King is the best band in the world! Fuck you Tyler by the way. Squid Boiz 4 Life!
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Join our discord! It's populated I promise. People are actually there! No joke! On God!
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