Profile banner for svensnuppy



A furry who likes games a little too much.

Personal achievements

These are some of the achievements that personally I am happy about. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. T500 Pc Critical Damage (18th December 2020) Beat Saber. Top 15k player ranking global (17th January 2021) Top 1k player ranking Country (18th February 2021)


Panel Content
Donations are never ever needed, but if you would like to support me more by gifting money, it is greatly appreciated always ^^. Click on the headshot of my Fursona headshot to donate, thanks to all who do ^^. Donations are final and not refundable, make sure you can supply for yourself before donating
Panel Content
We're Team UnderDogg, a collective of gamers, artists, and YouTubers dedicated to taking an active role in supporting one another and helping each other grow. We don't ragequit, we don't in-fight, we work together to help everyone succeed. We are focusing primarily on small channels, and our end goal is to help every 'underdog' in the community hit their channel goals. And when we hit them? GG

Chat Rules

No racism. No political talk. No backseat gaming unless I ask for help. Don't tell me what to do. Yes, you may suggest, but don't try push it onto me if I say no. Don't post Not Safe For Work links inside of the chat please. Keeping chat in Swedish or English is appreciated and makes moderation easier Breaking any of these rules may result in warning, time out, and/or ban.

Computer Set Ups

Gaming Gpu - 3070 TI Gigabyte Cpu - R7 5700x Ram -32gb hyper x predator 3200MHz Power - Xigmatek XFP 1200W Modular 80+ Platinum PSU Case - ADATA XPG Battlecruiser Streaming Cpu - Ryzen 5 1600 Gpu - 1060 3GB Ram - 16GB 2133MHz