Imagine de profil pentru swapshoppe

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Thank you so much for coming to visit my little corner of Twitch! This is a place of positivity so feel free to relax and take it easy here! I'm here for you all and I care about you. Let's hang out and make good memories together!

Conținut panou
I have the absolute pleasure of being a part of the Wave Riders stream team! A group of individuals radiating positivity. Feel free to click on the picture to check out all of the individuals on the team!
Conținut panou
Hey there everyone! My name's Brian and welcome to my SwapShoppe! You can call me Swap or Shoppe if you feel like it! I'm 35 years old and I've been gaming for a the majority of my life. I'm primarily a console gamer, but lately I've been really enjoying the relaxation of simulation games on the PC. If you have any more questions for me, feel free to ask!
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Never mandatory, but always appreciated! Any time a donation is given, I will only put that money towards the betterment of my stream. Please Note: Any Donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. If you donate to SwapShoppe, you acknowledge that you are the true owner of the account/funds being donated and agree to not request refund or charge-back the funds.
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Want to see what's going on with me outside of stream? Click on the image to visit my Twitter!
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This is a very laid back stream guys! All I ask is to respect one another. First and foremost. Hate speech will NOT be tolerated. This is an area of love and positivity. If you have nothing nice to say to others in the channel, then the mods will have no problem banning those who aren't willing to abide by any of these rules. I have no problem with talking to my viewers in chat, but please be respectful that this is still my channel. I would greatly appreciate it if you wouldn't talk over me when trying to talk to other viewers that are taking the time out of their day to hang out with me. If you're enjoying the stream, be vocal about it, but in my stream. Please don't go to other channels and shout me out without that streamer's permission. It's disrespectful to that streamer and me. It's just not cool. Backseat gaming is okay at times, but please be courteous to the other viewers and I about telling me what to do or spoilers in the game that I'm playing. Especially if I'm playing something for the first time. The jokes on rape, suicide, or anything around those lines don't need to be said. Please keep those things to yourself. Please no religion or political talk in the stream, those are topics that not everyone can agree on and it can cause a ton of stress and discomfort to anyone else in the stream.
Conținut panou
Huge shout out to the amazing artist McShadass (Mia) for doing all of my new artwork for the stream. This went above and beyond anything I could have imagined. If you're looking for someone to do work for you definitely hit her up [here]( Go visit some of my pals sometime! -[dans_survival]( -[totallycereal]( -[mutantsnakemen]( -[knighthunterscarlet]( -[twistedviper007]( -[scuzzms](
Conținut panou
Conținut panou
!shout- Want to keep us informed on a good streamer? Just type !shout (user) !gt- That will throw up my XB, PS, BNET and Switch gamertags. !lurk- let myself and everyone know that you're going away and will be unable to reply. !unlurk- Well hey, you're back from lurking! !uptime- Want to know how long the stream is going? There ya go! !quote- Have the urge to see the stupid things I've said? Here they are! Also, if you hear something funny, ask a moderator to add the quote for you! !hours- This will show you how many accumulative hours you've been with me! !following- Want to know how long you've been following? Here it is!