Μπάνερ προφίλ για το κανάλι swissrollninja

596 ακόλουθοι


What's up gamers it's ya girl Swiss! I'm a bear-girl vtuber who plays a variety of games! Come hang!

Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
THIS IS NOT AT ALL NEEDED AND IF YOU GET ANYTHING FROM THIS YOU ARE A VERY GENEROUS PERSON AND I WILL CRY FOREVER i have a wishlist that you can find [here...](https://thrn.co/u/swissrollninja)
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
DONATIONS ARE NOT AT ALL NECESSARY! While they are appreciated, I do not need donations! That being said, if you do for some reason feel compelled to donate, you may do so [here](https://streamelements.com/swissrollninja/tip)
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
You can find me at my discord [here](https://discord.com/invite/QR49u9jttX)! There's even a special section for all my twitch subscribers!
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
My name's Swiss! My pronouns are she/her and I'm just here to do some chill gaming! I mainly play rhythm games, although I also love platformers, roguelites, and metroidvanias! Stick along as long as you feel! 2D model art by Qi: https://twitter.com/calechichi 2D model rig by Fae: https://twitter.com/faelions 3D model, chair, panels, emotes by Inkcurry: https://twitter.com/inkcurry Emotes and overlay by Splendiferachie https://twitch.tv/splendiferachie Emotes and Sub Badges by StarlitNeko https://twitch.tv/starlitneko extra assets by okumono: https://sozaino.site/
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
See the countdown panel for a countdown to my next stream, but here's the basic gist of it! Monday 8pm-11pm GMT (3pm-6pm Eastern) Saturday 8pm-11pm GMT (3pm-6pm Eastern)
Περιεχόμενο πάνελ
rachie: twitch.tv/splendiferachie Nate: twitch.tv/natethesalt Frog: twitch.tv/FrogVoice Maeko: twitch.tv/ONIMAEKO