97 фолловеров


I'm swordmaiden, and welcome to my tavern! Whether I'm streaming myself drawing or playing computer games, you're always welcome to stop in!

Tavern's Open

Welcome to Swordmaiden's Tavern! I'm swordmaiden and I draw stuff and play video games on a computer! Come on in, we'll draw you up a pint of soda. My schedule is in flux, so my stream times are still getting settled! Rules: Don't be awful. Feel like tipping the wench? Tips are GREATLY appreciated [here](https://streamlabs.com/swordmaiden) in the barkeep's jar. Once we are affiliate, we can start accepting bits! Tips go towards better equipment for streaming, and new games or DLC to further develop the stream! Find me on discord here: https://discord.gg/ge6aDWa