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Channel Rules

1. No Self-Promotion: Do not advertise or promote your own content, social media, art, or channels in the chat when Sylver is streaming. This includes asking for followers, viewers, or any form of self-promotion. 2. Respect and Courtesy: Treat Sylver and fellow viewers with respect. No hate speech, harassment, or offensive comments will be tolerated. Keep discussions civil and be mindful of your language. 3. Stay On Topic: Keep the chat relevant to Sylver's stream content and discussion. Off-topic conversations can be distracting and disrupt the viewing experience. 4. No Spoilers: Refrain from posting spoilers about games, movies, or other content Sylver is experiencing for the first time. Respect the excitement of discovery. 5. No Backseat Gaming: Avoid giving unsolicited advice or instructions to Sylver while they're playing. If Sylver asks for help or suggestions, feel free to contribute, but otherwise, let them play their way. 6. No Spamming: Excessive use of emotes, caps lock, or repetitive messages can be considered spam. Don't flood the chat with unnecessary messages. 7. Respect the Mods: Listen to and respect the decisions made by the chat moderators when Sylver is streaming. They are here to maintain order and ensure a positive experience for everyone. 8. No Trolling or Flame Baiting: Do not provoke others with the intention of creating arguments or negative interactions when Sylver is streaming. Respect differing opinions and avoid flame wars. 9. Keep Personal Information Private: Do not share personal information about yourself or others in the chat when Sylver is streaming. This includes sensitive data like addresses, phone numbers, or any other private information. 10. English Mandatory: Since Sylver does not speak other languages, English is the required language in this chat to ensure clear communication and understanding among the audience. 11. No Excessive Emote Spam: Excessive use of emotes or ASCII art can be disruptive. Use them in moderation to enhance the chat experience when Sylver is streaming without overwhelming it.